668 | Arid fields | Duan Guang, China

picture by ithaca 668

Arid Field

The barren field
is flooded by the fire,
seedlings burn like scanty hairs,
earth’s chapped lips
remain silent,
only the trees in the distance
are trembling a few green notes.

Duan Guang, China

English translation Iuliana Pasca – Stanley Barkan

picture by ithaca 668

Arid Field


The barren field
is flooded by the fire,
seedlings burn like scanty hairs,
earth’s chapped lips
remain silent,
only the trees in the distance
are trembling a few green notes.

Duan Guang, China

English translation Iuliana Pasca – Stanley Barkan


picture by ithaca 668

Arid Field


The barren field
is flooded by the fire,
seedlings burn like scanty hairs,
earth’s chapped lips
remain silent,
only the trees in the distance
are trembling a few green notes.

Duan Guang, China

English translation Iuliana Pasca – Stanley Barkan


picture by ithaca 668

Arid Field


The barren field
is flooded by the fire,
seedlings burn like scanty hairs,
earth’s chapped lips
remain silent,
only the trees in the distance
are trembling a few green notes.

Duan Guang, China

English translation Iuliana Pasca – Stanley Barkan