672 | The light | Germain Droogenbroodt, Spain-Belgium

Picture by Ithaca 672 of John Hacking, Netherlands 

John Hacking, The Netherlands

The Light

It dawns …
the sun rises
out of nowhere,
what only apparently
comes from afar
though it is near
and within us—
the light.



Is time something else
than reflection
something that exists

—or doesn’t—

a cloud of smoke
coming from and returning to
the void?

Germain Droogenbroodt, Spain-Belgium

Translation Germain Droogenbroodt – Stanley Barkan

Picture by Ithaca 672 of John Hacking, Netherlands 

John Hacking, The Netherlands

The Light

It dawns …
the sun rises
out of nowhere,
what only apparently
comes from afar
though it is near
and within us—
the light.



Is time something else
than reflection
something that exists

—or doesn’t—

a cloud of smoke
coming from and returning to
the void?

Germain Droogenbroodt, Spain-Belgium

Translation Germain Droogenbroodt – Stanley Barkan

Picture by Ithaca 672 of John Hacking, Netherlands 

John Hacking, The Netherlands

The Light

It dawns …
the sun rises
out of nowhere,
what only apparently
comes from afar
though it is near
and within us—
the light.



Is time something else
than reflection
something that exists

—or doesn’t—

a cloud of smoke
coming from and returning to
the void?

Germain Droogenbroodt, Spain-Belgium

Translation Germain Droogenbroodt – Stanley Barkan

Picture by Ithaca 672 of John Hacking, Netherlands 

John Hacking, The Netherlands

The Light

It dawns …
the sun rises
out of nowhere,
what only apparently
comes from afar
though it is near
and within us—
the light.



Is time something else
than reflection
something that exists

—or doesn’t—

a cloud of smoke
coming from and returning to
the void?

Germain Droogenbroodt, Spain-Belgium

Translation Germain Droogenbroodt – Stanley Barkan

Picture by Ithaca 672 of John Hacking, Netherlands 

John Hacking, The Netherlands

The Light

It dawns …
the sun rises
out of nowhere,
what only apparently
comes from afar
though it is near
and within us—
the light.



Is time something else
than reflection
something that exists

—or doesn’t—

a cloud of smoke
coming from and returning to
the void?

Germain Droogenbroodt, Spain-Belgium

Translation Germain Droogenbroodt – Stanley Barkan

Picture by Ithaca 672 of John Hacking, Netherlands 

John Hacking, The Netherlands

The Light

It dawns …
the sun rises
out of nowhere,
what only apparently
comes from afar
though it is near
and within us—
the light.



Is time something else
than reflection
something that exists

—or doesn’t—

a cloud of smoke
coming from and returning to
the void?

Germain Droogenbroodt, Spain-Belgium

Translation Germain Droogenbroodt – Stanley Barkan

Picture by Ithaca 672 of John Hacking, Netherlands 

John Hacking, The Netherlands

The Light

It dawns …
the sun rises
out of nowhere,
what only apparently
comes from afar
though it is near
and within us—
the light.



Is time something else
than reflection
something that exists

—or doesn’t—

a cloud of smoke
coming from and returning to
the void?

Germain Droogenbroodt, Spain-Belgium

Translation Germain Droogenbroodt – Stanley Barkan

Picture by Ithaca 672 of John Hacking, Netherlands 

John Hacking, The Netherlands

The Light

It dawns …
the sun rises
out of nowhere,
what only apparently
comes from afar
though it is near
and within us—
the light.



Is time something else
than reflection
something that exists

—or doesn’t—

a cloud of smoke
coming from and returning to
the void?

Germain Droogenbroodt, Spain-Belgium

Translation Germain Droogenbroodt – Stanley Barkan