698 | Heterodoxies at the Aegean Sea – Natalia Fernández Diaz-Cabal, Spain
Painting by Natalia Fernández Díaz-Cabal
Heterodoxies at the Aegean Sea
All these heroes
have been
reduced to ashes,
to stones
that no longer support
the step-by-step
of the tunes
ripped from the entrails.
The abyss opens
there where
the darkness of the heroes
an immortal wound.
Natalia Fernández Diaz-Cabal, Spain
Translation Germain Droogenbroodt – Stanley Barkan
from: “Heterodoxias del tempo y la palabra”
Ediciones Alondras, 2021
Heterodoxias en el mar Egeo // II // Todos esos héroes/han quedado/reducidos a cenizas, a piedras/que ya no soportan/
el paso a paso/de las melodías/arrancadas a las entrañas/. El abismo se/abre donde/la oscuridad
de los héroes/imita una herida/inmortal.