766 | The fragility of the calendar

The fragility of the calendar

If I had to choose between Eternity and You,

I would not hesitate to decide for a second.

I would stay on the path drawn by your footsteps

on the sands of that beach of ours

and with the wind that caresses your face

and numbs your sly smile.

If I had to choose, as you well know,

I would stay with rebelling lips

that graze your body for a moment

and surrender to the passing enjoyment

of stones punished by water.

If I had to choose,

I would stay with the tremble of your skin,

as we twilight,

and the night obliterates consciences

on the weary parapet of this new moon.

If I had to choose, without a doubt,

I would stay for your days that do not deny

the fragility of the calendar.

Ramón Martínez lópez, Spain (1975)

from  ”Eternity was shaped by her lips
Translated by: Mary-Dryden Maio & Caitlin Nguyen

Ediciones Valparaíso, USA
