I found a ruby, Luca Benassi


I found a ruby
in a pile of stones
it was rare and shining.
It’s just a pebble
the Expert said
but even a pebble
longs for being something important
a unique clot of atoms
industrial sediment
labor limae * of millions of waves.

It saw, it felt
                  picked up
it longs for being something important.

Luca Benassi (Rome 1976)

Translated by the author

* Horace: The labor and delay of the file; the slow and laborious polish of a literary work.

Uit: “Nei margini della storia
Edizioni Joker”


Ho trovato un rubino / nella pietraia / raro e splendente. / E’ un ciottolo / ha detto l’Esperto

ma anche un ciottolo / vuol essere qualcosa / coagulo unico d’atomi / sedimento d’industria /

labor limae di milioni d’onde. // Ha visto, ha sentito / e preso / vuol essere qualcosa.