In memoriam, the Spanish poet Francisco Brines Francisco Brines, receiving at his home Elca, Oliva from the Spanish king and queen the Cervantes Prize, 12th May 2021 Elca
Everything Changes, Everything Remains The nameless is the origin of heaven and earth ─Lao-Tse So much has happened, but nothing has changed only apparently everything seems
What’s Done Is Done What’s done is done. The unpredictable occurred: The coronavirus. It’s a storm that could last quite long, breaking the bloom of branches
MY LUCKY ENCOUNTER I had a lucky encounter with the swans that marked my whole life, a miraculous moment between the lake and the forest. They invented stillness.
17th April is International Haiku Poetry Day The leaf of a rose returning to its long stem, purple butterfly. Moritake *** Smell of plum blossom— suddenly the sun