Four haiku and one sculpture by Satish Gupta, India

Foto ITHACA haikus van Satish Gupta (kl)

From the Bo tree
a golden leaf floats down
– meditating
in mid air
Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Water flowing,
no time to pass judgment
on uneven boulders
Kyoto, Japan – Kashmir

In the amber sky
a flock of wild geese,
the young one
– out of step
Kamakura, Japan


Observing the silence
in the prayer hall,
even the butterfly
– stops fluttering
Mandalay, Birma


* The Bo or Bodhi tree is for Buddhist a holy tree under which Buddha should have attained enlightenment.
** The sculpture by Satish Gupta will be inaugurated the 31st January at the Oberoi, Gurgaon, in India..