The poetry of Germain Droogenbroodt fascinates in Rome

The launching with recital of the poetry book  “Nella corrente del tempo – L’Effimero fiore del tempo”, published by the well-known Italian publishing house Raffaelli, fascinated in Rome, both at the  Studiolo Arcom Onlus, the 7th October as well as at the Pentatonic the 8th October. Renato Fiorito, president of the Premio Internazionale di Poesia Internazionale Don Luigi Di Liegro – IX Edizione and Luca Benassi, member of the jury, both present at the event at the Pentatonic, proposed the jury of the poetry prize to award Germain Droogenbroodt a special prize, the  “Premio speciale La Bella Poesia”. The Award will be given the 1st December in Rome at the Campidoglio (Sala Pietro da Cortona dei Musei capitolini).


O fiore del tempo
Paul Celan

La stella dell’alba

che è stata oscurata da torbide fonti

si riflette per un attimo nel rosso mattutino

poi scompare
con i sogni dissipati dalla notte

acceso dalla luce
si apre il giorno

effimero fiore
del tempo.

Germain Droogenbroodt
“L’effimero fiore del tempo”


O Blume der Zeit
Paul Celan

The morning star
befuddled by dark sources
reflects for a moment in the morning’s red

then disappears
with the faded dreams of the night

kindled by the light
awakens the day

ephemeral flower
of time.

Germain Droogenbroodt
From: “The Epheral Flower Of Time