Poem of the Week Ithaca 713, EEVA-LIISA MANNER, Finnland, (1921–1995) From „Die Welt ist eine Dichtung meiner Stimme“ Editura Heiderhoff – All translations are made in collaboration with
Painting Yung Liu, Taiwan Poem of the Week Ithaca 712 “NEVER FORGET”, KIM Chi-ha, South Korea (1941) From “Het Gevleugelde woord” deel 1 ’s Werelds mooiste buitenlandse
Photo Germain Droogenbroodt Poem of the Week Ithaca 711, “GLOW”, Germain Droogenbroodt, Belgium/Spain from: “The Unrest of the Word – La inquietud de la palabra”
Painting by Patrick von Kalckreuth, Germany 1892-1970 Poem of the Week Ithaca 710, “PASTIME”, Mario Benedetti, Uruguay (1920 – 2009) from “Antología poética”, Alianza Editorial, Madrid
Painting by Heinz-Huber Poem of the Week Ithaca 709, “INSCRIPTION”, Erich Fried, Austria (1921-1988) From: “Lebensschatten”, Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, Berlin – All translations are made in
Photo Germain Droogenbroodt Poem of the Week Ithaca 708 “FIRE”, MANOLIS, Greece, 1947 – All translations are made in collaboration with Germain Droogenbroodt – Poem in
Poem of the Week Ithaca nr 707, “STILL”, INÉS BLANCO, Colombia – All translations are made in collaboration with Germain Droogenbroodt – Poem in French, Italian, German, Portuguese,
Poem of the Week Ithaca nr 704, “MY OWN SONG”, Ernst Jandl, Austria (1925–2000) from: “Gesammelte Werke“, Luchterhand, Darmstadt – All translations are made in collaboration