Poem of the week Ithaca 681 “WHAT’S DONE IS DONE” Anna Keiko, Chine from “Loneliness in the Blood” – All translations are made in collaboration with Germain Droogenbroodt
Painting by Lo Ch’ing, Taiwan Poem of the week Ithaca 684 “EVERYTHING CHANGES, EVERYTHING REMAINS”, GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT BELGIUM/SPAIN from “The Ephemeral Flower of Time” – All translations
Poem of the Week Ithaca 680 “My lucky encouter”, Francisco de Asís Fernández, Nicarugua Francisco de Asís Fernández is organizer of the Festival Internacional de Poesía de
Rachel Ostrow, The Butterfly Effect, 2017, oil on panel, 18″ x 16″ www.rachelostrow.com Poem of the Week Ithaca 677 “Residue”, Ida Vitale, Uruguay 1923 from: “Riduzione dell’Infinito”, Editorial Tusquets,
Poem of the Week Ithaca 676 “Warmth”, Armenuhi Sisyan, Armenia de “Longing For Thousand Years’’ – All translations are made in collaboration with Germain Droogenbroodt –
Poem of the Week Ithaca 673 “AND IF LOVE WERE RIGHT? …”, PAULA ROMANESCU, Romania From: “Et si l’amour avait raison?”, editions Tipo Moldova, Iasi, 2016. | Painting
Poem of the Week Ithaca 672 “THE LIGHT – TIME”, Germain Droogenbroodt, Belgium/Spain – All translations are made in collaboration with Germain Droogenbroodt – Poem in French, Italian,
Poem of the Week Ithaca 671 “SIEGE”, Luca Benassi, Italy from “I fasti del grigio”, Edizioni Lepisma – All translations are made in collaboration with Germain Droogenbroodt